Wednesday, March 25, 2015


There’s been lots of new focus on MINDFULNESS and being where you are.

This is a story of a gift I received as a guide. 

So a businessman has 2 Canadian associates whom he wants to entertain and give back to. Well them Canuck’s really like to fish and as a guide I was a little nervous, will our local fair compare to the fishing north of the border.  Well as timing would have it 45 fish on the ice for the day and a 31” large fish by the Big Guy who really did keep his stick on the ice most of time, unless he was fighting ( What does this have to do with MINDFULNESS?) the local fair did hold up!!!!!

Well here is the mindful part of the experience, first I have to accept I have only the resources at hand, I let go of the out come and focus on giving to the people involved.  I taught about the bite and how the bite feels.  Then we are off to the races. Remember this is an ex-hockey player and 3 aggressive businessmen who are tuned to watch for the right opportunity to capitalize.  This showed thru in numbers of fish and the competitiveness of the day.

OK MINDFULNESS is focus right?  We had finished our day of fishing, were hanging out back at the truck, one fellow on the phone conducting some business.  The American and I end up in a conversation of how to explain God or a higher power, the universal good force in the world. We look up and the other fellow is meditating, we start to heckle him and soon really end up in the moment of this is 4 men from very diverse backgrounds and regions of our world having the moment of how do we Love our adult children well.  These are aggressive business folks who get it and realize what truly guides our world is ____________________.  You fill in the blank.  I choose love and the mindful part being where I am and who is with me. 

Enjoy, and please think about the greatest gift to give is like what I received last Sunday, folks being who they really are and being open to share it.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


     I bet you thought it was gonna be Keep It Sharp Stupid.  Well I happen to have an s name and don’t like it when I call myself stupid.  It does happen more than I wish to admit.
     Sharp is not just about hooks to me, its also about keeping myself sharp, not in appearances gave that up a few years back.  I will settle for the old salty fisherman look anyway.  No sharp of mind, clear of the clutter of daily life’s noise.  This is a tough task as I have a wonderfully wondering mind, which loves drama even the self created type.

     I define noise as the things, which block or interfere with me being present where I am.  In Tweener time its tough to be present, I hate waiting, I am done planning, purchasing, almost done rebuilding the boat.  Now I am not very present in this cold and snow.  I am present in a cool evening anticipating the evening bite of male walleyes pre-spawn, or ice off at Williams Fork for large lakers or over at Granby is ok too.  Because I can’t do any of those things yet they become noise to me. So how do I settle and be present where I am?  Well heck I go ice fishing, I go for long walks the 2-3 hr type.  I look for Eagles in riparian areas.  I spend time each morning being mindful and quiet.  Most of all I just go outside look around and breathe.

     Simple         Just be where we are!

                                   Stopping to be in the moment.  Amazing Sunrise not really captured in 
                                          photo but it is in our minds!  W Jason W.