Thursday, February 26, 2015


It is the Tweener time of year, when lots of us fishermen think more about the future than the now, like ordering the spring items.  I myself have been involved in re-surfacing the inside of the boat.  The trailer is getting love as well; paint and new fenders, not those led lights as I dislike driving behind them as they hurt my eyes.

So Tweener applies to other sports as well The Bass Master Classic is fished and over; Daytona has run both of those on the same weekend no Soccer (The Real Football).  I have heard reports of open water and good trips being had at Flaming Gorge w Jimmy W.   Mid season Ice patterns and predictable bites from all the mountain lakes: Granby, Williams Fork and Wolford.  I am looking forward to more of those 45-50 degree days out on the Ice.  Bernie’s on big fish as normal.  Does he really have them named and know their address?

My desire of how to finish strong in Tweener season is order only the right tackle not the garage filling crap I sometimes do.  Finish the boat; enjoy more blizzard time with the wife.  Ice fish until she melts.  Watch for reports from the tweener walleye guys who are out freezing their arse off looking for that big pre-spawn female.  Some of those guys really have that bite dialed, lots of respect for their toughness and skills.

You know the more I think about it Tweener time is prep time; planning time, order the new gear time.  Wow, how many new products released at the classic.  I saw a list of over 30 real ones, the shadow rap looks very interesting.  Really a bait that will turn around 180 degrees and look at the prey, weird.   For me, it is also reconnect time, find those folks I have missed and say hi.  So until I have a large pike or big laker take the bait near the surface as we are icing off its Tweener Season to Me.

May your Tweener time go well. Order and plan well. Fish well Now!

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