Ya sometimes I wonder myself. I am going to use an example from fishing which happened while fishing a tournament a few years back with Jim T.. We had found a group of fish in 22'-30' water in a clear spot in the middle of a seasonal, very large weedy flat. As we fished and cared for the fish in this spot, we practiced in other areas but never came up with a more consistent bite or place for success. SO this became our first and our go to spot on Saturday morning. We started there and had success, we placed 2 of the right fish in the live well and were looking to upgrade the size as the fish on this spot had been in the 20" plus range all week.
You know as fisherman we train ourselves to notice stuff. Well our fish began to raise up from 1' to 18" off the bottom to 3' then 10' and we saw a ball of shad go thru and then our spot was bare. We took as much as 15 minutes to verify this and acknowledged, yes this pattern had just converted to a suspended chasing shad bite which would require a change to pulling cranks in the same area to stay with the same group of fish.
Well, we decided to go fish the fish others were catching in 3' to 5" of water up in the trees. This would somewhat support what we had watched happen to this group of fish but they would have to make it to the trees for us to have found them there. The hind sight decision would have been for us to have switched our technique and stay with this area fishing to a known group of hungry fish.
Well to bring this thinking to life in real life is this. Some of you and most of you know I am affiliated with a company called PK Products dba PK Lures. I will be ending my work relationship as a part of the sales force as of March 31, 2014. The reasons for this are mostly on my part this pattern has begun not to produce for me in my situation. I find myself thinking and seeing a new pattern develop as minimizing and focusing my efforts in my focus as a fishing guide and being an educator of this craft. I see, think and feel a new pattern developing in the area of helping folks learn this craft as well as find peace in the use of this skill set to view and think about the choices they make in there lives, ya what is he talking about. Ya I really do not know either but its real a vision of fishing with folks and helping them heal emotionally and physically.
Please know as far as PK Lures go I will always be a friend of the company and support the folks involved as Pat O'Grady is a long time friend and a bother in Christ. I have always chosen the folks I engage with to have some form of emotional bond or second reason, besides funds and that is the case here as well. I have always thought of PK and its lures as a great product to be fished and succeed with. I hope the folks with PK all the best. I just find the pattern is no longer providing desired result and my passion is shifting to the vision as stated before.
Steve G