Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fishing With Friends

I saw this on a persons blog signature it went something like this. " When I am too old to fish,  I want to remember the large friendships I enjoyed over the years instead of the large fish I have caught." This speaks so true to me. I have enjoyed relationships with folks I would never have introduced myself to, as I really am a shy person. It is amazing to me how we hunter gathers share such a bond. I experience a lot of different aspects of the fishing industry from guides to factory staff and competitive anglers as well. I believe we have one truly common bond "We Love to be Outside". The greatest gift I have ever received is the acceptance I feel when I slow down outside to be a part of the creation, universe, oneness with mother nature or God's creation however we as individuals name it, it is our common bond. 

I have to take a few minutes to thank those who make this lifestyle possible first and foremost is my bride, Debra who also shares my love of the outdoors as long as we can keep her warm. The folks at PK Products the home of PK Lures and the long time friendship of Pat O. The anglers which I hold close to my heart:  Kristen, Jim T, Bernie, Charlie, Dave, Pat O x2, Ryan, Bud and Barry thanks for putting up with me and my need to control the boat or have to see the sonar all the time. The folks at Eagle Claw, Fins Premium Fishing Lines who help support the habit of guiding. Bernie, how we have shared the learning and challenging aspects of being a fishing guide and worked together to share our passion with others has been fun and hard work.

If you have been on a  guided trip or fished a tournament with me, I will say its not about the camaraderie its about the fish. I mean it too. It has taken many years to learn to know the difference between working and playing while fishing.  I hope you know how to separate competing with those around you from being able to just enjoy the presence in creation with them. I challenge you to think this thru!

P.S. Thanks for the inspiration, Z Man

Steve G

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What We Think

The winter is a time for goals, thinking, reflection and most of all patience. I have fished with a young friend Nik a few times this year. I always love to watch his desire to catch fish and to learn more about the sport and the quarry we pursue. I always seem to come away with a refreshing thought after hanging out with him.  Here is the latest (darn I guess it is a group of thoughts all related to each other with a common theme): 

So the thoughts which come to mind are what we think affects us and our outcome. Boy we have all heard this before, just saw it the other day on a friends Facebook post 'pick an attitude its up to you.' I agree whole heartedly, what a gift it is to be able to think and choose to have Peace in a life of chaos. I know how hard this can be at times, but the simplicity is amazing and leaves me with a child like view of the world. 

When I really get to the point, I can be a part of the environment in which I pursue the sport and provisions of fishing, it is refreshing. In our world of such differing opinions and goals as humans we all share a common bond, our souls and our desire to know some form of peace. I as a parent was taught by both of my kids to think and take care of the little stuff.  Creating a freedom of self and soul allows me to experience as well as watch as others form opinions and thoughts of our world. The process of thought and the ability as well as the desire to choose well comes from within for me. I hope I can continue to be present with those I fish with and learn and grow from the thoughts, opinions and direction they choose for themselves. 

My mom used to talk about how her generation was the first to have the luxury of time for contemplative thought as a mass, versus the few whom had the opportunity. Please take time to think for yourself and what you value in a day.

This may be a little weird for a fishing guide to share all this stuff, I may be a little crazy but I enjoy fishing friends and time outside with creation. We are of the same carbon base with a soul seeking Peace I think.

Yes I do see fish sometimes when I close my eyes. I sometimes see young folks grinning ear to ear with a fish or or just being outside joking around.

Be well friends until the next ramble,

Steve G

Photo is Sabine River in east Texas at Sunset in November. 

                                                                      "Peaceful, let the river flow."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

"It's a New Year"

I love the fact this is the last holiday for awhile, I love family and friends but a lot of em don't like to be outside as much as me the time of year.  The ice is building in the hills and here we come.  

I sometimes wonder how and why we look at the new year and celebrate so much.  It really is just another day, right?  Nature doesn't act any different, do they the animals know its all new?  I think we are still gonna suffer the consequences of our choices good as well bad.  Even though the year changed, my fishing skills did not magically change overnight. 

Oh I just thought maybe its just a reason to act silly and party.  It does give a full day of fishen not silly but lots of fun in the work week, if you kept yourself from getting to silly the night before.  If it was a change in seasons I guess I could get my head around it more.  I still think I am missing out on something when I think about fishing  and going to bed before the ball drops. 

What's the deal with a ball dropping anyway, sounds like somebody is trying to steal it and dropped it, oops.  When the bell sounds seems more appropriate.  I sure could find more reason to celebrate if it was when the winter solstice cycled just past the longest day of darkness.  I guess, I should stop, this is getting dark and depressing.  I'm gonna go fishing and think about how fun and silly I get to be standing on the ice enjoying nature with a friend.  

If I had a goal it is to keep doing that which I already enjoy and reduce those things I don't.  Goal/Resolution crud there goes my mind trying to figure this thing out, yikes I better get out on the ice. 


Happy New Year and God Bless,
Steve G.