Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Folks please accept a very heart felt Merry Christmas, I truly believe God gave us his only son so we could have some form of PEACE on earth.  I know we all have our challenges and heartbreaks.

Please remember to find some way to give at Christmas (outside of your immediate family).  I really enjoy fishing, right, so last week I had the opportunity to take a fellow out to ice fish for a few hours while he had a break before a show in his hectic schedule of tuning drums for a family member of mine. This fellow, we will call J, spends his idle time much like I do - what are the fish and animals doing right now?  Keep in mind some days J only sees the back of a stage and the bowels of a venue, an airport or the inside of a semi trailer. 

I was so amazed at the life he is passionate about with music and the entertainment industry.  He truly focuses another whole being in the focus and joy of the outdoors.  So you know how you have a feeling about some folks, how they are part of your destiny and path on this earth for some reason.  Well this is a story of a flow of that. 

I met J in Dallas 2 years ago after hearing stories about his love of the outdoors and just how settled he was in his walk thru life.  Bang there was that feeling.  Cool dude, great soul and a parallel passion of the outdoors. So he travels and our paths have crossed a few times and we shook hands, chatted and spoke of some day.  The lovely lady I hang out with (married 32 +- years) remembers the shared passion and suggests to take J fishing last week. 

We set it up thru folks and we took off to fish last Thurs. on the ice at C Creek in Aurora, Colorado.  The ice is 4" thick and clear, I had fished it a couple of times this year already.  We had aprox. 2.5  hours to drive, dress, fish and eat a meal before the show. The life of a supporter of a rock star???  J is from Missouri and loves to fish crappie back home, our target for our flash fish is walleye, it had just gotten dark and J says hey I have one. Remember we want walleye, up thru the hole comes a 13.5 " crappie a trophy fish in any water and a dandy if comparing to Missouri. We run out of time have to leave and loading up J says thanks that was the  most fun I have ever had.  I had to challenge that with a few questions.

Ya he was right except for a few life things like having a daughter or the joy of marriage to a lovely woman. He was telling the truth. In looking back on this I was having a blast just hanging out with someone I hope will become a new friend and just want to be out doing what we both loved.  I got what I always hope to give and that was a opportunity to try something new.  I had no idea this was a first time ice fishing for him.  I would have stressed, not been so relaxed and would have done some more to comfort him on the ice for the first time.  Instead he got the Hurry Up Getter Done version of an ice fishing trip.  It was just what was to be called for, he was so joyful to just experience something I take for granted sometimes. 

I received the joy of giving and sharing the craft of fishing and the outdoors with someone whose soul is fueled like mine.  Hunt and Gather well J, I can't wait for the next opportunity with you and/or a guide client.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and the Joy and some of the Peace we can find in this world by giving to others from just being together without boundaries and sharing a like desire.

Steve G

P. S. Here comes the Ice on the larger higher lakes.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Playing on the Somebody Else's Playground!

Its here (The ICE) but not at my playground, so I am gonna go sample the other play grounds - i.e. lakes around the state.  The ice is somewhat safe on a few lakes and here I come.  Some of the things I think about on early ice are:

1. Where is that spud bar?
2. Is there a rope and something to throw in the sled (Ice Axe)?
3. Who is going with me? 
4. Are they bigger than me (Not usually, ya I usually get to test the ice)?
5. Ya the floating ice-fishing suit will float me I tell myself.  Tried it, its not a life jacket, floats you all over, it does fill and make moving difficult
6. Where are those ice cleats? If my fat a__ falls and smacks the ice I know its gonna break it and go thru. 

SO I have all I need, here we go out on the ice every 10 feet popping a hole or spading thru with spud bar, its safe, its clear and the spikes are on.

My buddy has a mountaineering ice axe to throw at me if the worst happens.  I have never fallen thru the ice, but have been with those who have!  Wear those safety picks.  Play on somebody else's playground until yours freezes up safely.

Enjoy and use the most important tool, our brains so we can do this all our lives, show others and enjoy our families.  Share the craft and share the joy of fishing.