Friday, October 18, 2013

Full Moon

I love the full moons in the fall, the harvest moon with the veggies & the beginning of the fall fishing. The hunters moon and the fall fishing being full swing. I wish had more of the symbiotic relationships with the moon and photo period more dialed in as to be more aware and at peace with my place in nature.

So for what I know right now is:
The kokanees are almost ripe in most lakes in Grand County, Co.
The Lakers are spawning in the rocks at this time (catchable from Shore with Spoons PK of coarse ).
The Pike are sashing all types of baits
The walleyes are on the feed eating cranks and spoons PK Of Coarse.
An elk is gonna walk in front of me in range of my weapon.

The biggest thing, I think of and feel is the urgency to prepare for winter and prepare to rest, like all the animals I pursue.  What a gift this connection to creation is, sometimes when I am outside all I can think of is 'Amen.'

FYI no blog next week.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Gathering and Nesting in the Fall - ? do fish do dat ?

I love the color in the hills and its starting here in the lower sections of town. Its time to gather the meat for winter. You know the fish do the same by putting on the feed bag while the smaller fish begin to stress, consuming as many calories as possible.  It is a great time for all minnow type baits and most of all spoons ( PK ) of course. Twitch, snap em. 

I wonder if fish get that nesty feeling we humans get around this season of slowing down near a fire or gathering those final items in prep for the winter season ahead. I think they do as I always seem to find them where I last found them from the boat, under the ice they don't move far. 

So keep fishing, gathering data and winter meals. Fish chowder may be for lunch today, think about the season change.